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Mykola Havrylov is a Spanish actor known by his role as Alexander Bulajic in Spanish tv-series Angel o Demonio broadcasted by Telecinco.

Mykola began his acting career at the age of 16 where he first attended a performance art school in Ukraine.

Six months into his training at IUM Mykolas family relocated to Barcelona, Spain. This was a very exciting time for Mykola, he was filled with anticipation for the opportunities that Spain had to offer, but was left with a lingering to reconnect with the Drama and Arts community he had become so immersed in.

After having arrived in Barcelona Mykola explains that the new country and surroundings changed his vision on his acting career for the future. He discovered that there is a large professional acting industry in Spain and that it was the perfect environment to bring his acting career to a new level. His first acting experience in Barcelona was a short video with ESCAC student, Kevin Nasarre Krols. The video the pair shot was an imitation from the movie La Haine. This experience set a new level of determination in the young actor’s mind of what he wanted to achieve. He remembers:

“I remember as if it were today. I was driving home at night after filming feeling euphoric. That moment of joy and passion lead me to decide that I was going to dedicate my life to being an actor. Each day from that point on I began looking for an agent to boost my opportunity to find professional jobs. I wanted to find my place and to make connections with those in the acting community ”.

When asked of his own favorite actors, Mykola did not put forth any specific names, justifying that there is an immense range of talented actors and actresses each with their own niche, and that focusing specifically on one or two names alone, would make you miss the talent of new and upcoming. He states:

“There are many great actors and film directors in the industry these days. Each of them is offering a new, fresh approach to the film industry and it is extraordinary to watch.”


After graduating at the age of 18 from Spanish Baccalaureate and passing the University exams, Mykola had the time and skills to follow his passion for acting.
Mykola enrolled at the Art Dramatics in CECC ( Centre d'Estudis Cinematogràfics de Catalunya) and graduates at the age of 19 as the most outstanding student in his group.

Mykolas teachers during his time at Art Dramatics were Boyan Ivic, Daniela de Vecchi, Laura Jou, and Gerard Oms.


Mykola is well known for his role of Alexander Bulajic in Spanish tv-series Angel o Demonio broadcasted by Telecinco. The role opened doors into the professional world of acting after receiving positive reviews from the audience and critics.

Collaboration with Ernest Desumbila

Leading on from his success in Angel o Demonio Mykola went on to feature in Ernest Desumbila’s movie Blood Metal Revenge. The movie was presented in Sitges Film Festival receiving extremely positive reviews.
Mykola and Ernest met while shooting an advertisement for Haribo.

Since then they collaborated on many projects together.

Upcoming projects

Mykola is currently working on writing a range of his own screenplays.
His current project is a masterpiece looking into the life of Peter Doherty during the peak of his musical career and relationship with Supermodel Kate Moss.
Once his first screenplay is complete, Mykola plans to write a screenplay based on Perestroika, during the time of social and political change of post Soviet countries in the early 90s’.
Both of the projects have pre-agreement with the mainstreaming services.

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Graduate Diploma in acting. CECC (Centre d'Estudis Cinematogràfics de Catalunya) with Daniela De Vecchi and Boyan Ivic.

Training for casting through personal coaching with Laura Jou and Gerard Oms.

Acting with Boyan Ivic

Moveo. Dramatic corporal mime of Etienne Decroux

Acting in DYZ with Natalia Dolgopolova. Ukraine.

Acting in DYZ with Natalia Dolgopolova. Ukraine.

Acting in DYZ with Natalia Dolgopolova. Ukraine.

Acting in DYZ with Natalia Dolgopolova. Ukraine.



"ANGEL O DEMONIO", Telecinco, Plural Ent, character: Alexander Bulajic


“Blood Metal Revenge”, teaser, the director: Ernest Desumbila

• "4 bullets", short, the director: Samuel Muñoz Salas

• "Dawn", short, the director: José Rojo

• ¨Independencia ¨, short, director: Cora Gonzáles Otero

• ¨El Distributor ¨, short, the director: Albert Coll

• "Forbidden fun", short, director: Jessia-Nadia Alouane Novoa

• "Paranoid", short, the director: Alejandro Moral

• "Essay", short, director: Clara R. Palau

• ¨Monsters ¨, the director: Marc Oller

•  ¨Cloro and Butterflies ¨,director: Guy P. Ciurezu & Eduard Sola

Personal Details

Height: 186 cm

Weigh: 85 kg 

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Light Brown

Languages: Ukrainian (Native), Russian (Native), Spanish (Advanced High), English (Advanced High), Catalan (Advanced High).

